It is time to start 2024 on a fresh note! New ideas, new events, and new memories to be made!
By: Jasmin Akbari

Are you ready to start 2024? Well here at the IRHRSA, we are! This semester we plan to bring new events and new ideas to make this semester as memorable as the last.
Goals, goals, and more goals!
The month of January is an exciting time as we not only start the Winter semester but also when we begin to envision what we want for the New Year. Goal setting is a great way to start and taking the time to schedule in a goal setting period is a great way to start. Here is what you can do so that you can make goals that are not only attainable but also make you excited for what is to come!
- Schedule time in your calendar to set goals is the first step. Choose a time and make a note of it in your calendar.
- Find a quiet place to set your goals, sometimes it’s a library, other times it’s your kitchen. The key, however, is to finding a place where you feel comfortable without distractions.
- Take note of key words that you envision for your year. This can either on your laptop or with a pen and paper. Think of words like “adventure”, “exciting”, “relationships” or “academics”. Use these works to create new goals. Maybe adventure could be visiting 1 new place in Toronto a month, like a restaurant or museum. Relationships could mean joining some IRHRSA events to meet new friends!
- Adhere to the why. For each goal you create, ask yourself, why? Why are you making the goal? What does it do for you? How does it add value to your life? By asking yourself the why, it gives you the opportunity to think about what this goal really means to you.
Election on the Horizon
This month we also begin a new and exciting chapter. The IRHRSA is proud to announce the election running for the position of Director of Community Relations. This exciting position will bring about a new chapter for the association as we look to improve our engagement with the student body.
The Director of Community Relations is a new role our team created so that we can focus on finding out how we can serve you, the students. This position will be focused on engaging with students and finding out what you want and how we can add value to your undergrad experience.
Upcoming events
Be sure to vote! Elections for the Director of Community Relations position is open between January 29 to February 1st.

Executive Tip of the Month
My advice for this month is to take time to prepare your resume. While we covered this all in our last month’s post, I want to emphasize how important detail is when preparing any job application. As postings role out, we can get into a momentum where we send out 15 applications in 3 hours. While it’s fast, it may not be efficient. Remember, each job needs a different CV. Focus on the elements on the job posting that resonate with your experience and be sure to focus on that on your resume. When in doubt, be sure to book an appointment with the Centre’s undergraduate academic career advisor!