September Welcome
You’re in the program…. So what’s next?
Jasmin Akbari
Welcome to the 2023-2024 Fall Winter Semester here at the University of Toronto. Whether you are an Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Work and Organizations, or a CHRM student, we welcome you and look forward to the new school year!
This academic year, my fellow execs and I look forward to beginning our work in supporting the growth of our community. Each of us has our own stories to tell about our experience in our respective CIRHR programs and each of us plans to use our own experiences and skills to bring you fun events to make your experience in the program memorable! As this year’s executive team, we aim to expose you to incredible opportunities to get to know your classmates, professors and other individuals in the HR field. Together we will explore academics, careers and the opportunities that lie ahead for each of us.
This year we plan to connect with you by releasing our blogs on this website. Each blog will cover a particular subject such as Change Management, HR and Data, and mentorship. Our goal is not only to inform you about what is happening in our community but also the trends that are occurring industry-wide.
For September, we will be discussing the topic of mentors. Mentors are individuals who provide you with guidance and advice. They are individuals you trust and look up to, whether for their career or academic achievements. Mentors are integral to our growth whether it be personal, educational or career. At U of T, we are lucky to have mentorship programs everywhere, from our individual colleges to ones that focus on particular career paths. For example, as a member of Woodsworth College, my first taste of the benefits of mentorship came from the Woodsworth College Mentorship Program. It was not only in this program that I was exposed to a mentee experience but to a mentor experience. Looking back, these experiences were crucial
Looking back at my own experience in the program, one of my strongest support systems has been my mentors, many of whom have been in my shoes as an IRHR student. Sometimes it’s nice to go to someone who has “been there and done that” and get their advice on things like academics and careers.
When I first started in the program, I was not sure what I should do, it was the pandemic and most of our courses were online. I was excited to finally be able to dive into IRHR classes but it was frustrating to start university online. In order to make the most of it, I signed up for mentorship opportunities and it was there that I found the support I needed. While not all my mentors are in HR or have studied in the program, it was they who helped me find what energized me and guided me through the process of starting my major.
This September we encourage you to look for your mentor, someone who inspires you. Whether it be on LinkedIn or through a program, mentorship is something you should keep on your radar. At U of T, the St George campus is huge with different people, each with their own experiences. Take advantage of the bustling campus, and find others who may be in the final years of their Undergrad, Masters, or Ph.D. Chatting and developing friendships with others will not only give you insight into other experiences but also develop meaningful and long-term relationships.
Instagram Takeover: September 15
Get to Know Us Meeting: September 22nd
To start this academic year off right, explore different clubs, activities and courses available to you! Finding something to explore and get to know this year will allow you to expand your interests. Trying is better than not doing and the beauty of university is that exploration and curiosity are valued. In IRHR and WOO, courses that explore topics like data, strategy and even consulting are great ways to comfortably dive into new waters.